GCH Guitar Academy, left handed guitar chord theory lessons

beginners left handed guitar lessons
how chords are formed


guitar theory PDF, eBook

guitar chord and scale theory


scales you need to understand chord structure

how to play the major scale

how to play the minor scale

what are key signatures

memorize the fret names in 4 easy steps


chord structure

guitar chord theory one - the major and minor chord

guitar chords - where numbers in chord names come from

guitar chord theory two - seventh or 7th chords

how to play fifth chords - 5th chords or power chords


more chord lessons

how to play any chord

speeding up chord changes


guitar chord and scale theory eBook

This PDF eBook has notes on all the guitar lessons on this page including guitar chord theory and scale/mode theory and you can download it for free. Because this is a new PDF it will be udated over time so I will put a modification date so you can redownload it in the future if necessery.

Download here (modified 04 August 2021)

Download templates here (printable templates)


how to play the major scale


how to play the minor scale


what are key signatures


memorize the fret names in 4 easy steps


Memorise all the fret names on the guitar in 4 easy steps.

Download the PDF of this lesson here

More resources on memorizing guitar fret names here


guitar chord theory one - major and minor chords


where the numbers in chords come from


Where the numbers in chord names come from and the difference between sus chords and add cchords.

Download the PDF of this lesson here


guitar chord theory two - seventh chords


how to play 5th chords (power chords)


Download the FREE PDF eBook of this lesson here
